Welcome to the VMPK website
Welcome aboard (or on the pillion in fact). You have just found yourself into Veteraanimoottoripyöräklubi ry (VMPK), i.e. Vintage Motorcycle Club of Finland website. We are the national head organization of historical motorcycle devotees and one of the largest associations for historical vehicle enthusiasts in the country. VMPK is a VMCC affiliated club.
VMPK has been founded in 1975 in the city of Tampere to unite the historical motorcycle fans all over the country. Our aim is to promote the restoration, preservation and use of historical motorcycles, and to collect and save national cultural history of motorcycling. VMPK has recently opened its own Topotheque database, for storing and publishing this valuable material. We also aim to maintain the good atmosphere among the motorcyclists in the country and beyond.
The current home of VMPK is the city of Helsinki, but VMPK constitutes from individual personal members all over Finland and even from abroad. Our current number of members is apr. 7000. The members form total of 17 regional branches, which act locally around the country arranging meetings and activities. Generally, our events are open for guests, so you do not need to hesitate to just pop in if you are interested – with or without a bike – we do not care, you are interested of old bikes, you are welcome.
Our biggest annual event is the club annual run – Veteraaniralli – in late July/early august. Veteraaniralli will be organised in changing locations around the country by our regional branches. Veteraaniralli cathers together 1000-2000 club members and guests over the weekend to meet each other and, of course, to see and show the old motorcycles.
Our probably the most valued membership benefit is the club magazine Huimapyörä. This over 50 page full colour issue enters to the members’ mailbox six times a year, sometimes with included extra issue. Huimapyörä magazine is our main information forum for the members, although the social media platforms such as, discussion forum, facebook page, and naturally this web page are gaining more and more popularity. The Instagram account and Youtube channel are also on their way in the future.
The future of motorcycling and particularly historical motorcycling is currently increasingly challenging. The climate issues and challenges in increasing traffic in the global scale put pressure also to our possibilities to use the historically valuable vehicles, in the form of fossil fuel regulations and regional traffic limitations, for example. Our view is that the historical motorcycles should not be (only) the collectibles in museums and private collections, but instead a public mobile culture historical traffic museum on the roads, however. Thus VMPK also wishes to put more efforts in the representation of interests and influencing in the coming years.
If you are interested to join the club or pop in a visit, or you need to get contact for some particular reason, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned or our other international contact persons and join the fun.
Best wishes
Risto Nurmi
International contact person for English speaking regions.
secretary of the board
Contact info